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emotional health and well-being

Sometimes, one or more of these elements may be missing, or out of alignment, leaving you searching for solutions and wondering what to do next.

Imagine being able to . . . Improve your emotional health & well-being. Let go of the limiting beliefs that hold you back. Discover your life’s purpose and passion. Create meaningful relationships. Navigate life’s challenges. 

The number 8 represents harmony, peace, and balance.

This is what it means to elev8 your life!

At times, you may need to hire someone to help you with various tasks. A financial planner to manage your investments. A personal trainer to improve your physical fitness. A landscaper to spruce up your yard.  So, it makes sense to work with me to prioritize your emotional health and well-being and to elev8 your life to the next level.

Years ago, I hired an interior designer, who used pieces of home décor and furniture that I already owned, in addition to adding a few new items, to create the look and feel for the home I imagined. That’s what I help you to do, but with your own life. We take everything that makes you uniquely who you are, along with some new perspectives and practices, to reimagine and elev8 your life.  

You invest so much in your physical health, education, career, and relationships. How much do you invest in your personal development and happiness?

yes! Tell me more!

Are you ready to invest in yourself and elev8 your life?

This is a place where you are seen, heard, and accepted exactly as you are and for who are. All are welcome.

I am different things to different people. Wife. Mom. Step-mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Social Worker. Volunteer. Life Coach. You get the picture. My approach to life coaching is informed by my career as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Alcohol & Drug Counselor, as well as my personal experiences with navigating infertility, parenthood, divorce, anxiety and depression, and breast cancer. Along the way, I also became a certified Reiki Master, and I fell in love and remarried. I learned how to elev8 my life, and you can, too!

You are right where you belong.

I'm so glad you're here!

Hi, I'm Kristi

meet kristi

Do you want to

Download the free Your Elev8ed Life worksheet!


life worksheet


your life, but aren't sure where to start?

Career. Finances. Home. Personal Growth. Health and Well-being. Community. Relationships. Spirituality.

This exercise can help you gain clarity about the areas of your life that are working well and the ones that you want to elev8. 


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You would think that having written numerous blog posts about my breast cancer journey, that writing about it would nine years later would be a breeze. You would think that, as it seems logical enough, yet you would be wrong.  I don’t know if it’s writer’s block or not, but even though the thoughts and […]

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Do you react or respond? It might seem like splitting hairs, but there is a significant difference between reacting and responding. To put it simply, a reaction tends to be spontaneous and driven by emotion, while a response is more thoughtful and logical. Let’s break this down even further and consider these 9 key differences: […]

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emotional health and well-being

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