A year ago, I took the first tentative steps toward creating and launching my own life coaching business, and I honestly cannot believe how each of those steps, some little and some big, led to this moment. Thanks to the guidance of my amazing business coach, Dr. Cindy Briggs, I developed a blueprint for my business, but I then needed an architect for it.
I definitely would not describe myself as artistic, so, when Cindy and I started talking about creating a brand and a website, I was at a loss and did not know what to do or where to even start. I didn’t need someone to create a physical space, but I did need someone to create a virtual space that felt like coming home. Fortunately, Cindy stepped in with the solution to ease my mind, Ally B Designs. It took a number of people to help get my business off the ground, and Ally was such an integral part of this process.
I handed her a jumble of colors, pictures, words, and concepts, and she transformed them into something vibrant, beautiful, and inviting. I wanted visitors to my website to see themselves reflected in the content and the images and to discover meaningful resources and services of value to them. Ally exceeded my expectations, and I am in awe of how she was able to bring my vision to life.
When Ally asked me when I wanted my website to go live, I suggested Monday, August 8, and did not give the date much thought. When I wrote this in my planner, though, the significance was not lost on me. You see, eight is my favorite number. It is associated with peace, harmony, balance, abundance, wealth, etc., which is why I incorporated it in the name of my brand. So, launching Elev8 Life Coaching on 8-8-22 feels right.
Welcome to Elev8 Life Coaching, a true labor of love! I am new to being my own boss, but I am not new to supporting people in making changes and reaching their goals. This has been my life’s work, and it continues to be my life’s passion. Please, spend some time exploring the site and sharing it with the people in your life who may be interested in learning more, as well.
While this may be the last of this three-part series, it is only the beginning of this new venture. I am excited, anxious, hopeful, and happy, and I am ready. I hope you are, too!